Tuesday, 10 December 2019



There is a strategy to follow
And upon this method shall your destiny glow like the rising sun
Son of man arise!
Take up your dreams to the cross
And right there ask for grace.
Make haste!
Sleep no more!
Lest with negligent napping you worship  poverty with folded arms
As the storms of failure throw waves at the future through lazy waters
And drowning tomorrow with rising tides of procrastination.

You see, capstones are built by men of strength
And wealth itself lives by brave oxygen
For pregnant dreams are stagnant until pushed out the womb of courageous labour
Favour is an auxiliary backing to success spin
But until hard work is given a vertebral column,
Fragrance of rich papers are fated mirage
And lo tall wishes are mere tales told to idle palms

Seek parental blessing my child.
Regards for  gray hair are strong wings to fly
Sacred prayers are soaring ointment
And a purity practitioner never faints.
Yes, paint the future picture
And never get wearied of using optimistic crayons.