Wednesday, 31 March 2021




How did you see it?

weired...? may be not entirely weired but one that begged to  retire.

Yet you refused to set free

Dark spite bleached with good speech

Guilt ink proving broken points on peppered leaves

Did time actually shift?

If it did, then mortals will turn woods

These scripts are old, yet the scroll still very weighty like yesterdays in bag

So what if?

what if you gave it a chance, and thanks rejected  while remembering her spoils?

I mean a tank of good faith though drained of  trust, and now a sea of hates

Did you force love to see? 

You must have raped her blind mother at the gate

A  drum of heartbeat 

Months into months do I fight with my sleep

I should have listened

But how can one hearken, when all he sees is  but a smiling damsel strolling his head with an innocent face

I fell in love with JoyGold

Howbeit i should have  known

I should have known this famale legal bod was only a cashual stem....

Written by Joy Ekpo _@JoyGold Inspirations